Physiotherapist: it’s important to enjoy moving!


In 2025, I will do more sports and think about my health! With such a commitment, millions of people around the world woke up on the morning of January 1. On the first day of the year, sports clubs will sell as many subscriptions as in all summer months combined. The most athletic week of the year has now begun.

Physiotherapist Ilze Šēnberga of Professor Skride Heart Clinic, agreed to share her experience so that January does not remain the only athletic month of 2025. “Any movement is movement,” she is sure, “it’s important to incorporate it into your routine. 10 thousand steps is actually such a mythical size. The improvement will come already from four thousand. This is what I would call the “critical minimum of movements” that should be the target of daily movements for everyone. The next limit would be about 7-8 thousand, when cardiovascular health is already being improved, the risks of obesity and diabetes are reduced, and the risk of premature death will decrease. Increasing the number to 10 thousand steps will give increase but not proportionally.” The specialist recalls that depending on gender, age, training and physique, the amount of load on each is variable: “Going 10 thousand steps every day will definitely not be bad, but today for many the most expensive resource is time. If we want to spend it effectively with the aim of achieving a result, then I would recommend diversifying physical activity, and not devote time only to walking. It is better to devote those 20 minutes after coming home to some exercises, then the benefit will be greater.”

It should be recalled right away that walking, which is good for health, is not a substitute for muscle strength training. “For any person at any age, in addition to walking or any other aerobic activity, I recommend at least two muscle strength training sessions a week, which is also the World Health Organization’s recommendation for the amount of physical activity. The result will be noticeable, and your body and health will be very grateful to you. Also, research has shown the importance of playing sports in strengthening health and I see it in my practice daily. On top of that – good, high-quality and adequate sleep also goes hand in hand with sports and health. Restoring strength and energy is very important and not sleeping is often the cause of a bad mood, and this, in turn, makes you forget about all the good that has been experienced during training,” warns the expert.

There are so many different movement options, from running in the park to riding a bike. During the warm time of the year there are various group classes in fresh air, but in gyms they are available every day at different times. Then there are the team sports, where athletes of all levels and experiences gather a few times a week to play basketball, hockey, football and other sports. There’s also a section with a variety of wrestling sports – from boxing and judo to fencing, where you will also have to fight against a particular opponent. In other words, the possibilities are almost endless. “Do what you love,” the physical therapist encourages. “If someone likes group classes, they have to go to group classes. On the other hand, those who want to play sports alone must also create such conditions. If you like to swim instead of running, then you should try to find an opportunity to visit the pool and vice versa. Playing sports should bring joy and positive emotions. It would be very unfair to deny yourself them by doing something you don’t really like. I will say a very audacious statement, but I believe it – everyone likes to play sports, you can’t just like a certain discipline or an incorrectly chosen load!”

Not only lack of motivation or laziness, but injuries also discourage many from further sports. “It’s important to start or resume sports gradually. The risk of injury at excessively high loads increases significantly, and sometimes, with improper selection of the load, injuries are even inevitable. Therefore, starting to play sports together with a physiotherapist would be very correct and advisable. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you can’t play sports if I’m not around, but it is wise to check with your physiotherapist on your deep muscles before starting physically hard and intense workouts. Once the basics have been learned, I can be sure that playing sports individually or under the supervision of a coach will be much safer. I don’t need a physiotherapist next to me all the time, but I meet my clients much better before they get injured than after that,” adds Ilze.

Now that we do a lot of sedentary work, many are experiencing problems with their backs. Also in this case, the deep muscles will be the ones that will hold the dorsal vertebrae and other anatomical structures in the correct position so that the back does not hurt.

You are welcome to come visit us at the Professor Skride Heart Clinic!
Have a sporty and movement-rich 2025!